I can't stop thinking of this beautiful parrot bag from
Marni, but I can't for the life of me decide whether to buy it or not. My biggest concern is that it won't look good with the new haircut I'm getting in a couple of weeks (really short and blonde)... But it's just the perfect summer bag, I can see myself on the beach or at a café with this bag and I would look so fab haha. But then I think that I'm gonna be living in a small town and who the hell gives a fuck about looking fab in a small town? Well I care about looking fab but everyone else in Bollnäs is...not into fashion and kind of stares just because you're wearing heels at daytime so then I'm thinking about the amount of staring a parrot bag would do. But when did I start caring about people staring at me? I mean I've been thinking about this bag for four months now and ever since I saw it I thought to myself
"wow, I wish I could afford that bag" without actually knowing the price but now I know and it's not that expensive, I would give as much for a bag from ex. Zara. As you can tell, this is a big dilemma for me, so should I buy it or not?
Looking forward to tomorrow night when my jeans from Acne arrives with my bestie and her sister, this week is going to be LEGEN - wait for it - DARY!