Söndag idag och imorgon önskar jag att jag ser ut såhär.
Den här veckan har jag spenderat på julmarknader (fan att jag inte har min iPhone, då skulle jag bjudit på massa underbara bilder från dessa fantastiska julmarknader), jag har shoppat, köpt en fin klassisk liten axelväska som har det där lilla extra enligt mej, köpte dessa byxor också, hemskt nöjd. Gjort klart med nästan alla julklappar också, Magnus saknas i ekvationen, men vad köper man till en tre åring liksom? Så svårt. Helgen har jag spenderat i sängen, vilat och kollat på nya Greveholm (otroligt bra måste jag erkänna, längtar redan till imorgon och nästan avsnitt). Om en vecka beställer jag en ny iPhone, can't wait.
Okay, so I'm gonna start writing in English since I have some friends here in Berlin that doesn't understand Swedish, so this is for u guys. It's Sunday today, and I wouldn't mind looking like Kristen Stewart tomorrow, I hate Mondays, BUT I get in a much better mood if I dress up a bit extra.
This week I've been to some amazing Christmas markets, that's what I love most about Christmas in Berlin, all the wonderful markets... But I do wish I had my iPhone so I could take pictures for u but as some of u know, it's been stolen, but I'll order a new one in a week so I will be able to give u some personal pictures soon. I have also done som shopping this week, bought the perfect small shoulder bag that has that something extra that I'm always looking for (I'll show u pictures when I get my new iPhone), and I also bought these trousers (they remind me a bit about the trousers Stewart is wearing on the pictrue), love them! And I'm almost done with all the Christmas presents, I just have to get something for little Magnus, but what do u get for a three year old that already has a million toys? And I also need to get something more for Anja and Pontus, but I'll figure it out.
This weekend have been so nice, I've just been resting. I really needed a weekend like this so I have enough energy for the coming week, last week before vacation. Going home to Sweden over Christmas, leaving on Friday already and I'll be staying there for two weeks, can't wait!
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